Research in pediatric nephrology
Free tools, educational resources, common funding sources, and links to pediatric nephrology research collaboratives
- ASPN webinar: How to get your research published
- ASPN webinar: Getting involved with pediatric nephrology research networks, part 1: observational trial networks and registries
- ASPN webinar: K Awards
- ASPN webinar: NIH loan repayment program
- ASPN webinar: The art of reviewing manuscripts
- Webinar: Career development grants - finding your path to success(American Pediatric Society)
- Webinar Collection: Society for Pediatric Research
- Webinar: How to ask a good research question(American Thoracic Society)
- Webinar: How to develop a solid QI project that can be disseminated(American Thoracic Society)
- Webinar: How to give a great oral presentation(American Thoracic Society)
- Webinar: How to make the most of your research mentor(American Thoracic Society)
- Webinar: The alphabet soup of grants(American Thoracic Society)
CKiD U25 GFR estimation
Derived using data from the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children Study (CKiD), the CKiD U25 GFR estimating equations (Pierce, et al. 2021) are latest and greatest iterations of estimating GFR in patients with CKID using serum creatinine and/or cystatin C.
- CKiD U25 GFR calculator
- Citation information can be found in the “info” tab.
- A downloadable spreadsheet is also available from to help researchers calculate GFR on large data sets.
- Citation information can be found in the spreadsheet documentation.
- Download: Excel | Google Sheets
- The CKiD website also offers files for implementing U25 GFR estimation in R, SAS, STATA and Excel.
Researcher Academy
ASN List of Fellow-Friendly Journals
Grants and Funding

American Society of Nephrology (ASN)
- Additional funding: a curated list of potential funding sources for research projects
- NIH grants and funding
- Innovations in Kidney Education Contest: a contest to promote the development of innovative teaching tools (videos, smartboard talks, games, apps, etc.) specific to the field of nephrology. The contest occurs in two phases: (1) entrants submit their ideas and a handful of finalists are awarded small grants to help fund the development of the educational innovations; (2) six weeks later, three winners are selected to receive a larger monetary award.
- KidneyCure (ASN Foundation for Kidney Research): focuses on funding research by new investigators and enables fellows to participate in kidney research projects. They offer grants for new investigators including early-career researchers from diverse backgrounds, clinician educators, and fellows.
Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD)
European Study Consortium for Chronic Kidney Disorders Affected Pediatric Patients (ESCAPE)
Other observational studies and registries include PodoNet for children with steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome, ARegPKD for children with autosomal recessive and ADPedKD for those with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. They also use state of the art technologies to evaluate the health impact of certain therapies, such as hemodiafiltration in the 3H Study, acute dialysis in AKI (EurAKID), and peritoneal dialysis in the International Pediatric Peritoneal Biobank (IPPB).
Improving Carpediem™ Outcomes in Neonates and Infants through Collaboration (ICONIC)
The CArdio-Renal PEdiatric DIalysis Emergency Machine (Carpediem™) is the first dedicated platform in the United States to provide CKRT to neonates and young infants. Improving Carpediem™ Outcomes in Neonates and Infants through Collaboration (ICONIC) is a multicenter quality improvement and research registry dedicated to identifying best practices and treatment strategies to improve outcomes in this population. For more information, contact Cara Slagle (Twitter).
Improving Renal Outcomes Collaborative (IROC)
International Pediatric Dialysis Network (IPDN)
The International Pediatric Dialysis Network is a global consortium of hundreds of pediatric nephrology centers dedicated to the care of children on chronic dialysis. IPDN entertains two registries: the International Pediatric Peritoneal dialysis Network (IPPN) registry for children on chronic peritoneal dialysis, and the International Pediatric Hemodialysis Network (IPHN) registry for children on hemodialysis. You can join the IPDN as an individual or as an institution. IPDN membership is free of charge.
Neonatal and Pediatric Heart Renal Outcomes Network (NEPHRON)
The Neonatal and Pediatric Heart and Renal Outcomes Network (NEPHRON) is a collaborative within the Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Consortium (PC4). The NEPHRON registry was created to systematically study CS-AKI in a multicenter cohort of neonates following cardiac surgery. To be included in NEPHRON, patients must be from a center must be a surgical center participating in PC4. Find out more in the original paper [PMID 31107196].
Neonatal Kidney Collaborative (NKC)
North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS)
NAPRTCS is the only registry to collect information on children at all stages of chronic kidney disease. As such, NAPRTCS is able to follow children as their chronic kidney disease progresses to end-stage kidney disease and continues to monitor their care after dialysis is initiated and/or a kidney transplant is performed. NAPRTCS’ clinical trials have enrolled more than 2000 children from over 90 participating centers.
Pediatric Nephrology Research Consortium (PNRC)
Standardizing Care to Improve Outcomes in Pediatric Endstage Kidney Disease (SCOPE) Collaborative
Organizations participating in SCOPE help families provide essential and complex care in the home for children with kidney disease. The evidence shows that patients at SCOPE centers: have reduced risk of infections, have fewer hospitalizations, maintain health for transplant, and maintain normal school and family life.
Study of the Epidemiology of Pediatric Hypertension (SUPERHERO) Registry
The Study of the Epidemiology of Pediatric Hypertension (SUPERHERO) Registry is a multicenter retrospective cohort of youth referred to subspecialty care for hypertensive disorders.
Worldwide Exploration of Renal Replacement Outcomes Collaborative in Kidney Disease (WE-ROCK)