The Home of Pediatric Nephrology Education
Established in 2021, kidney.wiki is a free, open access medical education resource for pediatric nephrology intended for use by practitioners and learners at all levels of training.
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News and updates
CKiD Time to KRT Calculator
A collaborative effort between kidney.wiki and CKiD, the Time to KRT calculator is now available. You can use it to estimate the time until dialysis or transplantation in children with chronic kidney disease.
We were honored to win the 2022 Innovations in Kidney Education Contest from the American Society of Nephrology (ASN).
Popular topics on
Continuous kidney replacement therapy
A general overview of the principles of continuous kidney replacement therapy in pediatric patients.
Peritoneal dialysis
A general overview of the principles of peritoneal dialysis therapy in pediatric patients.
Research resources
Free tools, educational resources, common funding sources, and links to pediatric nephrology research collaboratives.